The International Women’s Club meets on the first Tuesday of the month usually at 11.00am. The meetings are either visits or tours to places around the island, or they are talks about topics of interest to the members. Talks are usually held in a local restaurant and are followed by lunch. Sometimes the meetings are of a more social nature and are held at one of the members home.
There are also a number of informal subsidiary groups that meet, a Lunch Club, a Book Club and a group of ladies who play Mah-Jong.
The Lunch Bunch meet for lunch on the third Tuesday of the month at different restaurants around the island. They alternate between meeting in the North or the South of the island. The group is a social group.
The Book Club meets on the third Wednesday of the month in the afternoon at the home of one of the members. Each month they read and discuss a different book which has been selected by mutual agreement. Many of the group use Kindles or other e-books but there are a number who prefer the more traditional format of print copies.
The Mah-Jong group meets every Thursday morning.